On Monday, December 5, Michael J. Minihan died at his home. He was seventy-four years old. Born to John H. Minihan and Margaret "Elaine" Minihan, both from Rockford, Illinois.
Michael was best known for his keen wit and unrivaled intelligence. His family joked that they did not need google since they had Michael! He shared his love of reading everywhere he went. He loved being with his family and grandchildren, whom he drew in with his lively humor and light-hearted antics.
He is survived by his beloved bride of fifty-five years, Sandra and their three children, Michael J. Minihan Jr., Sheila Wikoff, and Ryan Minihan. Additionally, he has eleven grandchildren: Skyler Hamilton, Courtney Hightower, Dylan Carlson, Jacob Wilson, Sarah Wilson, Steffanie Carr, Tiffanie Wikoff, Emmily, Eirinn, Shawn, and Alexandria Minihan. He also has six great grandchildren: Cailan, David, Kellen, Sophie, Kierra, and Theo. Also, he is survived by his sisters, Frances Taets and Patricia Johnson.
His memorial will be on Friday, December 9, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. The service will be held at Memory Gardens Memorial Park, 1395 Arnold Lane Medford, Oregon.